Sunday, November 2, 2008

Our Sunday Outing

Today was a great day out and about in three different states. Imagine that in one day. Can't do that in California now could we? We first went to a place called New Market,Maryland which is a beautiful tree lined street full of antiques shops. We went in every one of them that was open too! Then we went on to Charles Town,West Virginia which is named for Charles Washington, yep that would be President George's brother! We found a cute coffee shop and cool shops too. We wanted to go in one but it was closed on Sunday. Which brings me to this interesting note: We had lunch at a cute place in New Market that on the sign outside said they served "Samuel Adams Beer" so when we ordered our lunch and asked for a beer the answer was: " I am sorry we do not serve beer on Sunday's" Wow we really are not in California anymore! The third state we were in was Virginia but we didn't stop, we just drove though.

On that note it really was a beautiful Fall day out and I did manage to get my camera out and take some pictures of the fall beauty which I will post another night. Today was exhausting.....we are on a full time vacation out here so we decided.

One Month Old Today

Mr. Emerick Paul turns One Month Old! Wow how time goes by. Just 12 short months in a year and one is already over. I am counting the days until I hold him in my arms again on December 19th to be exact.